Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Year

As we are getting ready for a new year, I looked on my blog and was disappointed that I quit posting in August 2011, So One of my resolutions is to Make sure I post at least once a week if not more.
Just to let you know what is happening on the Farm, Today Gary is going to be working on finally gettng our Greenhouse back up, after the Tornado did its job in April. I have been pouring over Seed catalogs on line, and Today, my biggest project will be Checking what seeds we have left and what seeds we need to order. Making my schedule of when to seed indoors and when to plant in the garden.

There are several new plants I would like to try this year like the Cheddar & Purple Broccoli, Red Okra, Yellow Patty Pan Squash, Rhubarb, Ground Cherries, & I would really like to get some Asparagus in the ground too.
Here is the last Garden Pic of last year. It was taken in October. An very interesting Thing we learned last year to keep the deer out was, we put up stakes at about 100 ft intervals around the garden & just strung a string about head high and one about knee high, tied plastic grocery sacks on the string on the top string so that when the wind blew, it would blow the sacks down the string. Something else we did different is that we planted Squash, beans, and cucumbers the end of July and still get a good harvest before Frost.

Heres to hoping you have a great year in your Garden.

1 comment:

  1. Fried Red Okra is delicious. It has a slightly sweeter taste than the green okra. It's the only kind we plant know. Happy New Year and I hope you have a Great Garden this year.
